Our 'Why?'
Having a profound reverence for the infinite potential that children possess is the mark of an inspired society. This philosophy has served as a compass for our family.
As a pediatrician, it is my privilege to interact with children and families on their own uniquely magnificent life journeys. These connection points sparked within me a genuine appreciation of the endless potential in our children - the torchbearers of tomorrow.
Fortunate to have studied at one of the rare learner-driven medical schools in the country, I experienced a self-paced and self-inspired educational modality first-hand. A model which included open brainstorming, peer to peer and team collaboration, a platform of personal relevance, exploration based on questions raised (rather than textbook answers), all of which could not have been further from the traditional lecture-based rote learning in medical schools across the country.
We have been blessed with two dynamic sons (who teach us something new every day) who drove my passion to become a homeschool educator in a Montessori environment and to initiate a model similar to one I experienced in medical school. In 2016, we began the initial steps of launching The Ethos School. Since then, we have been dreaming of coming one step closer to a society that flourishes in the sacred gifts that children have to share with the world of today and tomorrow. We are deeply grateful to have been exposed to and involved in processes of self-examination since childhood that have nurtured our thoughts and cultivated our understanding of character. We are indefinitely indebted to these opportunities.
My husband and I have enjoyed studying Eastern and Western philosophers of education - the curiosity of what could be had been sparked. We wanted our children to develop a courageous identity, such that they can confidently stand on their own feet. We wanted them to run to school with excitement and curiosity to discovery their natural gifts. We wanted to turn up the volume on what is possible in the 7 hours/day they spend at school. We wanted enough freedom so that they can move at their own pace, but still be challenged and engaged in a way that builds intrinsic motivation. We have set out to re-define what education is and can be, with innovation ever-evolving at The Ethos School (a non-profit organization dedicated to serving children and families).
Nurturing the mind, body, and spirit of a child has been the guiding compass for our family's decisions.
Our goal is to create a strong community of like-minded, intentional families and to have a sacred, creative space where children can thrive and embark on a journey of life-oriented learning.
Mother on a Mission to Resuscitate True Education

“The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life.”